Research Methodologies in Education (ReMiE) Project

ReMiE Project:

Enhancing the research capacities of academics and PhD students in the field of education

Funded by the World University Network (WUN) Research Development Fund


The pandemic has affected research projects in various ways. Educational researchers, for example, have not been able to use in-person methodologies, such as classroom observations and educational interventions.

Moreover, different countries have experienced – and still are experiencing – difficulties in conducting high-quality research due to barriers such as lack of skills, time, and financial resources. These limitations, in effect, may have affected World University Network (WUN) academics’ quality of their research, quality of supervision with their research students, and quality of teaching research methodology in their classes.

The Team

  • University of York, UK: Dr Lisa Kim (Principal Investigator) & Professor Carole Torgerson
  • Maastricht University, the Netherlands: Professor Petra Hurks
  • Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico: Dr Katherina Edith Gallardo Córdova
  • University of Southampton, UK: Dr Nora McIntyre & Professor Melanie Nind
  • University of Cape Town, South Africa: Professor Dick Ng'ambi
  • University of Auckland, NZ: Associate Professor Mei Kuin Lai & Associate Professor Rebecca Jesson
  • Zhejiang University, China: Associate Professor Hongfei Yang


  • understand the common and unique challenges and “solutions” that WUN academics and PhD students experience in teaching/learning/planning and conducting research methods;
  • provide capacity enhancement opportunities for education academics and students that strengthen research methodology expertise, which in turn enhances the quality of research outputs, research supervision and research methodology teaching in each WUN university; and
  • provide greater awareness of WUN’s education academics’ research expertise and skills, which in turn provides networking and collaboration opportunities to further strengthen WUN

Work Packages

  • A cross-national mixed-methods survey on academics and PhD students across different fields in higher education
  • A series of research methodology virtual workshops for academics in education
  • A face-to-face workshop on research methodologies for University of York's PhD students in education


Resources associated with all three Work Packages can be found here